kammavarkalyanamalai.com does not share any personal details with 3rd parties. You can control who views your number under Privacy Settings.
To Privacy Options, click on the button
Privacy OptionsYour display name is what appears at the top of your profile. It is also the name which others see in your profile. Your full name will not be visible to others. You can control your privacy 100% while changing your display name. Afte hided your name your Matrimony ID will be visibile to others
After login select Setting - Privacy Options - Click Edit
To change your display name, click on the button below:
Edit My Display NameYou can control 100% privacy on your phone number. Go to Setting page Select Privacy Options click on Edit You can select any one option
Select any one 1.Visible to all Premium Members (Your phone no visible to all Premium Members)
2. Show parents contact number only (Your phone no hided and parents contact number visible to all Premium Members)
To edit your contact privacy settings, click on the button below:
Hide My Phone No.You have 100% privacy for your photos. Photo privacy settings allows you to control who can view your photos.
Select any one 1.Visible to all (Your photo has been set to "Visible to all") - Recommended for better response
2. Visible to Members I like & to all Paid Members (Members I Like: Members who you have either sent an interest to (or) whose interest you have accepted)
To edit your photo privacy settings, click on the button below:
Privacy Settings