If you already have a horoscope - After logging into your home page click on Add Horoscope link in My Home page, Select Generated Horoscope tap and go to Upload a scanned copy link on rightside of the page then Choose a image of the correct horoscope of the person. Click upload
The members are requested to update their horoscope in JPG/GIF format. Every horoscope posted on our website will go through 12 hours of validation that involves a manual screening.
Only after the horoscope is validated will it be available for all members to see.
Upload My HoroscopeYou can generate your horoscope online for free
After logging into your home page click on Add Horoscope link in My Home page, Select Generated Horoscope
Here ensure your Horoscope already generated or not (our staff may be generated your Horoscope).
There is no Horoscope enter your birth details : Date of Birth, Time of Birth and Birth place ect...
Click on Generate Horoscope link. Please wait for a few minutes as your horoscope will be generated and displayed in a new window.
Please make sure you're popup blocker is turned off.
Generate My HoroscopeThe users can E-mail your Horoscope with user id to [email protected] and we will upload it instantly or Send through WhatsApp with user id to 7598447407 & we will upload them instantly
Every horoscope posted on our website will go through 12 hours of validation that involves a manual screening.
Only after the horoscope is validated will it be available for all members to see.
Yes, it is possible to delete the horoscope. send your Horoscope delete request to [email protected] with user ID we will delete it instantly
This request is sent to the other user if he/she have not uploaded the horoscope.